Why Do You Need Quality Assurance in Diagnostic Radiology during COVID19 Crisis?

 In covid19, diagnostic radiology, health physics, Radiation Safety

The human world is suffering badly owing to the rapid spread of COVID19. The epidemic turned out to be one of the greatest disasters witnessed by mankind so far. It has multiplied at a much faster rate than was ever expected. Currently, the disease has transformed itself into a global threat leaving scientists and researchers worldwide in grave difficulties as they are consistently hunting for an effective solution to address the problem at the earliest.

It is quite evident by studies that radiation or radiotherapy had been very effective in the prevention and treatment of several types of cancer but have you ever wondered about how can radiation help in fighting back against the latest coronavirus pandemic? This blog post will help you to figure out the analogy between radiation, COVID treatment and will help you to understand why Quality Assurance in Diagnostic Radiology or QADR is the need of the hour during COVID19 trauma.

Are Radiation and COVID treatment connected to each other?

We all are aware of the fact that high energy x-rays can inhibit cell growth inside a body because radiation in the form of either waves or particles traveling through a medium can potentially kill carcinogenic cells under controlled conditions. Interestingly, according to a fresh research, radiation and COVID treatment are interlinked. The latest research panel led by top scientists advocates the application of radiation to combat the COVID19 nuisance. Over the top, the x-ray COVID test is emerging as the most promising tool to diagnose coronavirus and its effects, throughout the screening process. The present scenario looks pretty assertive about the application of diagnostic radiology coupled with authentic quality assurance services.

Tracing Diagnostic Radiology lands in the accurate detection of COVID19?

The demonic virus peeped into our world with flu-like symptoms but over time it is evolving drastically with all new indications every week. This makes the early detection of the ailment difficult. However with latest developments in the field of Diagnostic Radiology the accurate detection of the virus turns out to be easier. The stage one screening of COVID19 patients is done if they exhibit symptoms like dry cough, fever, and fatigue, etc. As the virus broke out at Wuhan City in China therefore patients are generally enquired about their travel history to different parts of the world especially to China. Another diagnostic test for COVID19 is termed as Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) test that also helps in the screening of patients infected with the virus.

The confirmed treatment for the disease is not yet known and to make things even worse there is already an acute shortage of test-kits around the world. Health care experts are looking out for ways to increase the authenticity and the reliability of the test equipment. The common practice involves several stages of taking care of the COVID positive patients wherein at first the symptomatic ones are made to undergo chest radiography or CT to diagnose and verify the magnitude of infection. The chest x-ray COVID diagnosis is easily confirmed by the patchy or diffused air space opacities seen in the x-ray image. These radiographic images obtained through diagnostic radiology are then studied to decide the medical condition of infected covid19 patients. In short, chest radiography or Computed Tomography forms an indispensable part of the initial testing for COVID19 that further paves for subsequent therapy to get rid of the disease. The swab test which forms the very first step to detect the presence of coronavirus across continents is not as reliable as the CT findings. This brings us to the conclusion that radiation and COVID 19 are interrelated and an x-ray image of COVID positive patient is sure shot way to ensure the status of infection. A recent health report of around five patients affected by COVID-19 who were earlier tested negative during the initial swab tests points out Computed Tomography as quintessential to detect and study the effects of the virus on the human body.

QADR is the Prerequisite for COVID Diagnosis

The aforesaid discussion states Quality assurance in diagnostic radiology or QADR is the need of the hour to curb down the crisis on the go. Also, it is the foremost step to contain the spread of coronavirus and to ensure the safety of common people as well as that of the health care professionals. Thus the equipment used in the overall process of screening for the intensity of the COVID 19 virus and its possible impact shall be quality checked in the first place for best results. In a nutshell, let us chalk out the top three reasons to go for quality assurance in diagnostic radiology amidst the present Covid19 crisis.

  • Quality assurance in diagnostic radiology will pose a minimal risk to the patients and the health care practitioners as well. It will reduce the chances of direct physical contact between the patients and the medical staff.
  • QADR facilitates instruments to generate accurate results so that chances of medical negligence are almost eliminated. The tools and devices involved in chest x-ray after primary COVID diagnosis are hence assured of malfunctioning and other structural defects.
  • QADR establishes the authenticity of the equipment and help in gaining extensive results in less amount of time. Computed Tomography Units and other corresponding instruments need to be certified by an apt agency like Envolta so that more and more lives can be saved.

The history of mankind is flooded with ample shreds of evidence for human beings who have not just waged wars against deadly diseases but have even uprooted them successfully. No-doubt the pandemic is playing havoc with lives today and there is a lot more in store but the prevailing situation calls for immense patience, cooperation, and chunks of attention to quality. These can certainly drive us towards a better tomorrow that will not be fearful but will be much more cheerful.

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