Indian Nuclear Society’s International Conference (INSIC-2023)


It is a Privileged moment for team Envolta to represent as Delegate in the Prestigious Indian Nuclear Society’s International Nuclear Conference (INSIC-2023) Jointly Organized by Indian Nuclear Society and Nuclear Power Corporation India Limited (NPCIL), held in the DAE Convention Centre, Bhaba Atomic Research Centre (India’s Nuclear R&D Hub), Mumbai.

Theme: “Nuclear for Clean Energy Transition”

Nuclear energy is an inevitable choice to achieve deep decarbonisation, since it is the largest source of base load power with minimum carbon footprint. This energy transition is critical to mitigate the climate change and to limit the rise in the global average temperature to 1.50C. Sustainable scenario for year 2050 envisages three-to four-fold increase in nuclear power generation which along with other clean energy sources can achieve net zero emission target leading to a sustainable energy future.

Aim: INSIC-2023 aims to bring together global experts from industry, R&D organization and academia to deliberate on the directions for decarbonization with nuclear as an essential foundation of this transition.

Topics of the Conference

  • Road to net zero emission and the energy mix for the future
  • Generation III and III+ reactors-accelerated growth and cost reduction
  • Advanced nuclear reactors: SMR, HTGCR, MSBR etc.
  • Life extension and management of aging nuclear reactors
  • Nuclear hydrogen
  • Emerging technologies in support of nuclear power deployment, security and safety
  • Regulatory framework and challenges for emerging nuclear technologies
  • Industry preparedness and participation
  • Policies and public acceptance of nuclear energy

It is our pleasure to exchange thoughts, spending esteemed time and enlightenment discussion on Future Nuclear Research aspects with World Nuclear Pioneer Leaders from Switzerland Russia, USA, France, Japan, South Korea etc.
It enriched us with ample insights knowledge, dimensions and lots of unforgettable memories. Know More

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