5 Advantages & Disadvantages of Nuclear Energy in India

 In nuclear energy

India is the land of various cultures, religions, castes, creeds, and languages. It is perfectly said by our true legend “Rabindranath Tagore” that India is the land of unity in diversity. After India attained its independence one of the prime challenges was to eradicate energy crisis and fulfill the basic needs of its people. It was Dr. Homi Jehangir Bhabha who brought our nation vision into reality, the founder of Atomic Energy program in India. Thus, the Atomic Energy Commission was set up in 1948, for framing the policies of Atomic Energy development in India. The year 1948, is considered as a time of nuclear evolution in India, which brought our country into the elite club of nations possessing the advanced nuclear technology.

Nuclear Energy Development in our Nation

  • Bio gas is the only which helps in producing electricity. Thus, nuclear power is the fifth largest source of energy
  • India has 22 reactors in operation in seven nuclear power plants
  • As of March 2018, total production was 6780 Mega Watt. Total consumption for billing was 35 Terra Watt hours (TWh ) in 2017
  • 6 more reactors are under the construction with a combined generation capacity of 4,300 MW
  • Developing more advanced and upgraded technology

Unbelievable Advantages of Nuclear Energy in India

  • Low maintenance:  Investing in nuclear power plants to produce energy since these plants do not need regular maintenance as well as operation can last between 40-60 years. Consequently, there is no need to shut down the plants any time soon once they have been built. Also, with the abundant supply of Uranium, there is an assurance of enough supply even if demands increase.
  • Baseload energy: Nuclear energy work synergistic with a renewable source of energy via wind and solar energy. The electricity production from the plants can be easily lowered when good solar and wind energy are available.
  • Eco-friendly: Nuclear energy is a blessing for current and upcoming generations. We all know carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the main reasons for global warming and pollution. A conventional source of energy (oil, peat, wood, etc.) emitted carbon dioxide while burning which is extremely for atmosphere and human lives. On the other hand, nuclear energy does not release carbon dioxide and is cleaner.
  • Plentiful supply: India is the fourth (4th) largest Thorium producing country with 12.2% of total, after Australia 18.7%, US 15.3% & Turkey 13.2%. In India maximum Thorium produces in Vishakhapatnam, Chennai and Odisha seashore. Primarily we found natural Thorium 232 in nature in the rare earth material Monazite and can also be found in Euxenite & Thorianite. Thorium is also called “Superfuel”.
  • High energy density: Nuclear energy is a gift to mankind, it produces ten million times more energy as compared to a non-renewable source of energy like gas and oil. In recent studies, it is also argued that nuclear energy is renewable or non-renewable?

Treats or Disadvantages of Nuclear Energy

  • Prone to accidents: In the year 2010, India planned to build nuclear power capacity of about 63 GW till the year of 2032. However, due to an unfortunate massacre of Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan 2011, Indian government faced strict protest for the development of a nuclear plant. Henceforth, the plan was dropped by the government. Even the West Bengal government has refused the proposal of building the nuclear plant industry near the town of Haripur.
  • Management of nuclear waste disposal: Waste products of nuclear plant industries are highly radioactive and extremely dangerous for living things and the environment. Any kind of mishandling of nuclear waste products will be led to terrifying calamities. It should be handled with perfection and care.
  • Treat to human lives & environment: Chernobyl nuclear accident of Ukraine in the year 1986 and nuclear bomb attack of America to Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the year of 1945, is still unforgettable. It not only destroys human lives and environment it was a curse for future generations.
  • A threat of terrorist’s attack: The chances of terrorist’s attack on a nuclear power plant is hugely high. Worldwide secret agencies have already said nuclear power plants are at the hit lists of terrorist’s organizations. If nuclear power plants are attacked the existence of life in the entire universe will be out of the question.

Therefore, every coin has two sides negative as well as positive it is our responsibilities to encounter the threats of nuclear energy and gain a positive side of it. If we handle the things with proper care and sound knowledge things will be always in our court. So don’t be sacred in the of “nuclear power energy” thus, it is just the beginning of a new era.

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